Name |
UK EPC LTD Company Number 10459935 (formerly UK Education Consultancy Services Ltd) |
Country |
United Kingdom |
Legal entity |
Registered with Company House (Click here for details) |
Website |
Trademark registrations with |
Trademark registrations with |
Is the publisher member of Crossref? |
Yes. The publisher is a member of Crossref (Click here for details) |
What is DOI Prefix of the publisher? |
the DOI prefix of the publisher is 10.29198 |
Publisher’s Policy |
Is the Publisher's Copyright policies & Self-archiving deposited with SHERPA/RoMEO ? |
Yes |
Is the publisher member of Portico for digital preservation of contents? |
Yes, the publisher is a member of Portico (Click here for details) |
Is the publisher member of iThenticate for checking originality of manuscripts (Crossref Similarity Check Service)? |
Yes, the publisher is a member of iThenticate (Crossref Similarity Check services) |
What are peer-reviewed Journals of the publisher? |
1. European Journal of Sciences (EJS): |
We aim to help learners, researchers, academics and professionals realise their dreams by providing them comprehensive services and suitable platforms for accomplishing their goals and aspirations. To learners, we endeavour to secure them admission in prestigious UK Universities by selecting courses and universities in congruence with their ‘career goals and aspirations’ and ‘their skills set & level of academic skills and proficiency’ and to researchers, academics and professionals, providing platforms in the form of journals, periodicals and conference services to help them disseminate knowledge to wider audiences.
Our vision is to continue enabling access to UK education, helping students to improve their employability and earning potential. We value inclusive dissemination and we envision to address inequities and enhance access to system and processes of dissemination of knowledge to researchers, academics and professionals worldwide.
We provide services to student for selecting the right course and university for their higher education in the UK. We provide immigration services (under Tier 1 Entrepreneur Business and Investor) to help you settle in the UK